Painting Full-Time in 2023
For six years, I have been squeezing in painting time before work, in the evenings and on weekends. So I’m over-the-moon to share that I am taking this little art business full-time in 2023!!!
Photo by Emily March Payne
I have been painting and creating art as far back as I can remember.
I painted my first commission when I was in elementary school (it was a dog portrait for my great aunt)! From painting and drawing to sewing and ceramics, I took every opportunity to explore the arts during my childhood and teenage years.
I went on to study journalism and mass communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I continued taking fine art classes as well. My husband actually asked me to go on a first date while I was working on an art assignment for class!
I graduated in 2015 and went to work at an advertising agency as a studio artist; and you guessed it, I continued taking art classes after work! That was around the time that I really started to think about art as a business, so I set up a desk in the corner of my apartment bedroom just for painting!
A painting from my tiny apartment desk (2016).
Then in 2018, my husband and I got married and moved into our first house, where I set up an art studio in our dining room. That’s where I completed my first collection, and my paintings started to get bigger!
My first art studio (2018).
At that point, I was at my second (and current) job as a graphic designer at an independent school. Saying goodbye to my amazing coworkers, who have all been so supportive and encouraging over the years, is certainly the hardest part of transitioning to full-time art! But in a couple of weeks, I will be turning in my work laptop and picking up the paintbrush!
Thank you for being part of this journey, whether you’ve been around since day one, or just recently found my artwork! Your support of this little business means the world, and is undoubtedly why I’m able to make the jump to full-time! So I will say it again, THANK YOU!!!!
I’m so excited to see what God has in-store for this next phase of my journey, and I can’t wait to share it with you!